Harassment Policy
HARASSMENT/INTIMIDATION - Inappropriate behavior, comments or actions intended to harm a person physically or emotionally. Examples of such behavior are racial, ethnic, or sexual comments or jokes. No form of harassment or intimidation will be tolerated at school, during any school function or anywhere else that may cause a disruption to the school environment. This includes harassment by means of any form of electronic communications. All instances of such harassment will be reported to the building administration. Parents will be contacted and appropriate measures will be taken. These may include supportive counseling, detentions, suspensions, and/or contacting district and local authorities. Refer to BOE Policy #4105 (see district website).
BULLYING – Physical violence and attack; verbal taunts, name calling and putdowns; threats and intimidation; cyber-bullying (any form of electronic communications); extortion or stealing of money and/or possessions; and/or exclusion from a peer group. Racially-based verbal abuse and gender-based put-downs also fall under the ambit of bullying and, in addition to receiving the appropriate consequences; These may include detentions, suspensions, and/or contacting district and local authorities. The offender may be required to meet with the Affirmative Action Officer. Refer to BOE Policy #4105 (see district website)
SEXUAL HARASSMENT - Sexual harassment will not be tolerated in any form. Action will be taken against those guilty of such behavior. Consequences received may be, but not limited to:
Sexual harassment is unwanted and unwelcome sexual behavior that interferes with a student’s right to get an education or to participate in school activities. It may result from words or conduct that offend, stigmatize, or demean a student on the basis of sex.
The target of the harassment and the perpetrator do not have to agree about what is happening; sexual harassment is subjective. Nor does the target of the harassment have to get others, whether peers or school officials, to agree with him/her. Harassment can be a one-time or multiple occurrences. Some examples:
Touching, pinching, and/or grabbing body parts;
Sexual notes or pictures;
Sexual graffiti;
Being cornered, forced to kiss someone, or coerced to do something sexual
Making suggestive or sexual gestures, looks, verbal comments (including “mooing,” “barking,” and other noises), or jokes;
Spreading sexual rumors or making sexual propositions;
Pulling someone’s clothes off; pulling your own clothes off;
Attempted rape and rape.
Report ALL incidents of harassment. To begin the grievance procedure, go directly to a high school administrator, the Student Assistance Counselor, or the Affirmative Action Officer. Refer to BOE Policy #4105 (see district website)
NOTE: Some forms of harassment are also crimes and will be reported to police and prosecutor’s office.