Class of 2020 Awards
Addis Award
Recipient: John Tarawali
BRSD Education Foundation Scholarship
Recipients: Marissa Drew, Alessa Manuola, Courtney Quinn, Jessica Martin, Riddhi Gupta & Rachel Scranton
BRSD Education Foundation/RCBC Award
Recipient: Savannah Poole
Community Concerts Award
Recipients: Lucas Bergen & Samantha MacFarlane
SPC Benjamin Moore Scholarship
Recipients: Ryan Blanchard & Tatum Hart
Wynn Mallard Memorial Scholarship
Recipients: McKenzie Collins, Marissa Drew & Alyssa Korch
Bordentown Rotary Scholarship
Recipients: Jessica Martin & Lauren Redwood
Bordentown Sewerage Authority
Doreen Moore Business Scholarship
Recipients: Joe Peterson
Bordentown Sewerage Authority
Environmental Scholarship
Recipients: Lauren Redwood
Bordentown Sewerage Authority
Vocational Scholarship
Recipients: George Mousa
Ervin V. Hamilton Post 26 American Legion Award
Recipients: Aashna Patel and Brett Schreiner
The Natalie Gerepka Megules Memorial Health Professions Award
Recipient: Isabel Lukach
FUJI 14 Foundation Memorial of Christos Kalagheros Scholarship
Recipients: Isabel Lukach, Jessica Martin, Marissa Drew & Kyle Boberg
Bordentown Historical Society Award
Recipient: Chandler Kirby
The Michael Kotch Memorial Scholarship
Recipients: Jessica Martin
BREA Philanthropic Award
Recipients: Rumeysa Bektas and George Mousa
The American Red Cross Scholarship
Recipient: Aaron Goleniecki
Bordentown Township Police Officers & Sergeants Scholarship
Recipients: Kyle Boberg and George Mousa
Bordentown Little League Scholarship
Recipients: Rachel Scranton and Andrew Fairlie
Bordentown FC Friendship Scholarship
Recipients: Aashna Patel, Colette VanHise, Julianna VanHise, Gianna Grilletto, Jessica Martin, Drew Fitzpatrick, Joe Peterson, Julien Carr & Kyle Boberg
Bordentown Area Basketball League Scholarship
Recipients: Rachel Scranton and Thomas Rowley
Bowling Coach’s Award
Recipient: Lucas Frader
Burlington Mercer Chamber of Commerce Award for Art
Recipient: Aaron Goleniecki
Burlington Mercer Chamber of Commerce Award for Business
Recipient: Jessica Martin
Holy Cross Scholarship for Community Service
Recipients: Shannon Roock and Alexis Strandquest
Thomas W. Dwier Mission Fire Company Scholarship
Recipient: Steven Holmak
Jason A. Cassidy Memorial Wrestling Scholarship
Recipients: Colman Ermi, Arianna Menna & Sam Mazzella
Bordentown Family Eye Care Scholarship
Recipient: Lydia Braasch
Charles Brophy Scholarship
Recipients: Kyle Boberg and Leissa Romulus
BRHS Choir Director Award
Recipients: Lucas Bergen, Gabrielle Takacs & Courtney Quinn
BRHS Music Department
Louis Armstrong Jazz Award
Recipient: Samantha MacFarlane
BRHS Music Department
National Orchestra Award
Recipient: Jamie Nasatka
BRHS Music Department
Woody Herman Jazz Award
Recipient: CJ Diccion
BRHS Music Department
John Philip Sousa Award
Recipient: Samantha MacFarlane
BRHS Music Department
Patrick Gilmore Award
Recipient: Lauren Redwood
BRHS International Thespian Troupe 6803 Scholarship
Recipients: Joshua Arevalo, Lucas Bergen, Lydia Braasch, Elijah Davis, Riddhi Gupta, Kyle Meier, Courtney Quinn, Lauren Redwood, Rachel Scranton, Lena Stoeckert, Alexis Strandquest & Gabrielle Takacs
Class of 2020 Award
Recipients: Annabella Pisapia, Aashna Patel, Jessica Martin, Emily Lowrie, Ashauntee Silver, Aaron Goleniecki, Sydney McNeill, Amore Camiso, Kylie Sutton, Keeler Robinson, Chandler Kirby, Rachel Oshyemi, Gianna Grilletto, Jessica Singh, Rachel Scranton & Angelina Nickerson
Student Council Award
Recipients: Nicole DeCicco, Joseph Peterson, Amore Camiso
FBLA Award
Recipients: Vasistha Andey, Rusheel Meka, George Mousa, Angelina Nickerson, Nish Patel, Brett Schreiner, Arshvir Singh & Sachit Tripathi
BRHS United Nations, Mock Trial and Debate Team Awards
Recipients: George Mousa, Keeler Robinson, Suhas Kanamarlapudi, Jessica Martin
Artistic Excellence Award
Recipients: Ashauntee Silver, Sarah Mueller, Sydney McNeill & Juliet Perrine
Burlington County Association of School Business Officials Scholarship
Recipient: Jessica Martin
George M. Dare Memorial Scholarship Award
Recipient: Shannon Roock
Catherine M. Mahady Memorial Scholarship
Recipient: McKenzie Collins
Carl Birkhimer Memorial Award
Recipient: Ann Cheriza
Vicki Moldovan Memorial Scholarship
Recipients: Riddhi Gupta, Isabel Lukach, Alessa Manuola, Aashna Patel, Colleen Ritter, Kevin Ritter, Leissa Romulus & Rachel Scranton
Clara Barton PTO Award
Recipients: Juliet Perrine and Julien Carr
Madeline A. Targonski Scholarship
Recipient: Marissa Loguidice
Bordentown Regional High School Baseball Booster Scholarship
Recipients: Nick Nemes, Michael Giambelluca, Stephan Hacker, Dylan Holmak, Andrew Fairlie, Ryan Tomasulo, Tommy Niedermeier
NJSIAA Scholar Athlete
Recipient: Jennifer Zhang
Principal’s Recognition Award
Recipients: Ricky Simpkins and Nazae Harris
Leon Seidel Male Athletic Award
Recipient: John Tarwali
Bess Sagran Female Athletic Award
Recipient: Marissa Drew
Edward Seidel Math Award
Recipient: Jennifer Zhang
Harry Seidel Highest GPA Award
Recipient: George Mousa
Sarah Seidel Highest GPA Award
Recipient: Jennifer Zhang