Teacher Resources

Hello Teachers! 

Below you can reserve various library resources, including the library, library services, or the conference room in the library!

Here you can schedule the library facilities for your class, or request me to teach research skills including database training and use, google tips and tricks or other various research skills like note taking, MLA formatting, etc.

Please use the schedulers below to request a hold on whichever resource you need.


Library Reservation

The reservation schedule calendar is divided into 60 minute increments. Please choose the time CLOSEST to the period you will need the resource:

Bell Schedule:

Period 1: 7:30 AM - 7:30 AM

Period 2: 8:54 AM - 8:30 AM

Periods 3/4: 10:18 AM - 10:30 AM

Periods 5/6: 11:42 - 11:30 AM

Period 7: 1:06 PM - 1:00 PM




Feel free to send up students in need of books anytime. Please only allow 5 students per book check-out visit the library at a time unless accompanied by a teacher. Please call, email or have student(s) fill out a SmartPass.


Read all about it !


11/20/23 Issue with access

NJ.com - The Star Ledger Electronic Access

Username: [email protected]

Password: BRHS21!


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