Mrs. Traci Redler » COVID-19 Resources

COVID-19 Resources

As we begin the start of the 2022-2023 school year, please remember the following guidelines regarding COVID-19 policies and procedures for the school district


  • The BOE has agreed to allow at home tests this year to verify COVID results
  • If a COVID-19 test is indicated due to presenting symptoms, the District will allow an over the counter/at home COVID-19 test, with a photographic upload of the result or print out of the result with the student’s name clearly present;  If an at-home antigen test is used - whether positive or negative results -  an attestation by the student’s parent/guardian that the test was performed, must be provided.  The form required from the student’s parent/guardian that will be used to collect this information can be found at this link:

  • If the student test positive for COVID, please keep your child home and notify the health office IMMEDIATELY.


  • If your child is experiencing COVID-19 compatible symptoms, you MUST keep your child(ren) home and notify the health office. ** See list below **
      • We are no longer quarantining for close contacts or for positive household members. Students may still attend school as long as they remain symptomatic.                 

Face Coverings

  • Face coverings continue to be option and not mandatory while in school buildings.


** COVID-19 compatible symptoms**


    • Experiencing TWO or more of the following symptoms: Fever > 100 degrees, chills/shivers, muscle/body aches, Headache, sore throat, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue, congestion or runny nose OR
    • Experiencing ONE of the following symptoms: Cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, new loss of taste or smell. 

Return to School Protocol


As per the BRSD guidelines, if your student TESTS POSITIVE

  • They will be required to isolate for 5 days from either the date of symptoms or test date
  • If they have symptoms, then first day of symptoms counts as day "0", next day starts day "1"
  • If no symptoms and test positive, test date counts as day "0", next day starts day "1"
  • For days 6-10, the student is required to wear a mask.
As per the BRSD guidelines, if your student TESTS NEGATIVE:
  • Please provide the nurse with a copy of the negative results either via the attestation form or doctor's note
  • Student may return the next day as long as they are fever free for 24 hours without the use of medication and their symptoms have improved.