I am looking forward to being your child's Spanish teacher this semester. I wanted to take the opportunity to introduce myself to you. I am starting my 19th year of teaching and proudly can say that all but one semester have been as an employee of Bordentown Regional School District. I also am a resident of Bordentown. My husband and I are parents to two elementary age children. It is my great pleasure to continue learning new ways to engage your students in learning Spanish and one of the ways to do that is via a class set of Ipads available to us daily. In the classroom we will use multiple education apps to enhance language acquisition and production. In addition to email I plan I using to post deadlines, quiz reminders, and any other pertinent information students will need to know. I wanted to provide you with a general idea of the supplies your student will need for this course. (either a binder or notebook, a double sided pocket folder to keep class work and homework, writing utensils) At least once a chapter students will study electronic flashcards and there is an audio component if they so choose. I would ask that they bring in earbuds on those days if they either choose to use the audio component or listen to music while studying. It is not mandatory to have earbuds.